Views of my world

By rosamund


I noticed this cruise ship setting sail quite late tonight, I think around 9.30pm, with all it's lights on. They usually leave about 6-7pm and I'm not sure if the Artania was supposed to leave then or if their departure was delayed due to the traffic chaos caused by extreme flooding at various points and a a block of flats which back on to ocean terminal being struck by lightning and catching fire. Apparently it was mayhem!

We had a successful day shopping in Glasgow and made a fair dent in the school uniform shop so that was good news. We met Carlos after work and had our dinner at Frankie and Benny's which was a nice treat. We popped in to Tesco at Port Glasgow for a few things then it took an hour to get home, and that was by going the back way and keeping moving. Carlos discovered bits of Greenock he never new existed but I've had to travel trough the floods a few times in the last four years so I know where to go.

Having left the house at 11.30 this morning I'm exhausted and my feet are sore. A nice hot bath and now bed so I can get up for sunrise, it's such a luxury, sun is due to rise at 5.11 (plus the 6 minutes it takes to get above the hills) so I can set my alarm or 4.30! It's so nice making it 10 minutes later each week instead of 10 minutes earlier!

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