Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea

Cleaning Out

I have been telling y'all about my recent clearing out exploits and when I had said this to a friend, her comment was "when are we doing your house?"

I wanted to slap her about that (about a week ago) but yesterday came a day of "this stuff needs to go" So I phoned her, asked what she was doing today and tomorrow and basically would she, instead, come and help clear a room or two.

It has been a hot muggy day all day but despite this, we have CLEANED the living room. I have a (large) box of photos that I need to go through. But Stuff - and tons of it - has been thrown out. The rest of it has been looked at, cleaned, re-arranged and generally tidied up. It looks so much better.

I found several packets of pictures from my wedding in 1999. I've already scared WeeBone by showing her one of her with her parents. A whole heap had stuck together and the ink was coming off them, so I cut people out and rinsed off the bits. This collage type arrangement was the result. I'll do something with them in the next few days, could be sad though, many of the folk are not with us any more.

My feet hurt! So do hers! She's just poured a drink and I can't be bothered moving to go and get one. So I'll just stick to my bottle of water just now!

A small session in an upstairs room before she heads home tomorrow.

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