Clarrie Hall Dam....wheres my kayak?

I could hardly believe that after being really crook yesterday I woke up feeling really perky and ready for an adventure with my mate....go figure...yesterday I felt like I could of slid off the perch.

The day was gorgeous...we patted ourselves on the back for putting in the order to the big fella upstairs....and.......the dam was finally open after being closed for ages due to them filming a TV show there.

I had never been here before......the vista took my breath was also ridiculously teaming with so many different birds.
Ron who looks after the place and drives the big Dig Dig reckons that the dam goes on for ages and is great for kayaking...might have to start saving pennies does look a beautiful place to be on the water...and just think of all the great snaps I could!

Please forgive me if I do not get around to catch up with you tonite....Blip has only come back on line and its rather late...and.....all the excitement has taken its toll.

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the
stronger pull of what you really love."
--Rumi (not the dog)

Stitched Panorama

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