
Hanging out the washing on the line just awhile ago....
I heard this..........
"Annie....Annie.....look at me...this is great fun"!!!!!
"Where are you Kitty"?????
"Over here...where you left these things hanging down where I could reach them"!!!!!
"Oh.....No.....Kitty....B will kill you ...they are his sports socks...."!!!! Stop you'll pull threads in them"!!!!!
"His what??.....I thought you left them down low.....so as I could play with them"!!!
"Kitty ..I just left them out of my hand for a minute....I'm going to hang them on the line"!!!!!
"Aw....Annie Pleeeease.....I'm bored this morning......that was a lovely tin of Whiskas cat food you gave me....and now I want to play"!!!!
"no Kitty.....that's it...if you want to play......go and chase the white butterflies...they're ruining my cabbage"!!!!!!

And he DID.......'not a word of a lie'......when I looked out just now he was stalking and chasing the butterflies.....I think I'll buy him more of that cat-food......!!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.....
the weather is still good here........!!

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