Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave


As I was getting my breakfast ready this morning before going to work I noticed the moon was still visible, and was nearly full still, so I quickly ran and got my camera and tripod and took a couple of shots. I've cropped the picture to make the moon fill the frame better, and when I ran the auto levels on it, the background changed from the milky blue that the sky was to a more 'spacey' black colour, which I think makes the moon stand out.

I really like how you can see the detail of the craters on the moon. On my picture you can see the large crater called Tycho at about 8 o'clock on the disc, and one of the dark patches at about 2 o'clock is the Sea of Tranquility where Apollo 11 landed just over 44 years ago. Other landmarks can be seen here

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