All you need is love

By pascolicious

I started working out again. I got off track once my job ended because I was sleeping late and my mom was busy so we weren't working out together. But today, I decided to start up again. I'll do a few days each week until I can build up to a full week of working out. I know I'll be sore in the morning. Particularly because I did a kick-my-butt workout with Jillian instead of Bob...

Kevin and I made a trip to Wal Mart so I could get a planner. While we were there, I saw the cops escorting a man out of the store in handcuffs! I wasn't quick enough to get my phone OR camera out so I didn't get a picture. How disappointing!!!

However, Kevin captured this shot for me while we were driving (I can't take pictures and drive!). We thought for sure this ladybug was doomed. However, it managed to escape... possibly not without being attacked my venom, sadly enough...

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