Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt


If there was ever a week that I wanted to end, it is this one! Although the hours at work work extensive this week, I felt like I learned some new things and got a few (not all) things accomplished. My wings are tired and tattered just like the ones on this honey bee.

It is my birthday weekend (Sun) so my friend and I are going to take off Saturday morning and go to Pennsylvania for the day/night. Goals for the weekend including getting some sleep, doing a little photography, eating some good food and maybe having an adult drink or three.

My apologies again for not commenting on your blips. Thanks as always for stopping in when you have the time.

Have a great weekend!

Todays Blip: #3,307,276
Yesterdays Blip: 3,304,016
Possible # of Blips I Missed in 24 Hours: 3260

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