Double Shot Mummy


Happy 1st Birthday Maple!

Not only does Maple share her birthday with my nanna, but the Royal baby was born today! We are quite chuffed.

Happy 1st Birthday to our beautiful baby girl Maple Violet, born at 35+5 weeks in Dubai (Just) at 5:10pm weighing 6lb, 7oz (2.95kg). We cannot imagine life without her cheeky grin, dimples, happy and carefree nature. She is divinely squidgy and makes us laugh and smile every day. Thank you baby girl for making our family even more special than it is already. Bailee and Oscar adore you and we love how you want to be part of everything they do! We are so blessed to have you and hope every year brings you more and more happiness.

As yesterday was so busy, we celebrated your birthday today with a simple cake made by granny, a candle and singing happy birthday. You got lot's of cuddles and we reminisced about this day one year ago and admired you all day! How on earth did you get to be one-year-old already?

Here is a poem we chose for your naming ceremony:

I want you to be happy

I want you to be happy. I want you to fill your heart with feelings of
wonder and to be full of courage and hope.

I want you to have the type of friendship that is a treasure - and the
kind of love that is beautiful forever. I wish you contentment: the
sweet, quiet, inner kind that comes around and never goes away.

I want you to have hopes and have them all come true. I want you to
have a real understanding of how unique and rare you truly are. I want
to remind you that the sun may disappear for a while, but it never
forgets to shine. May the words you listen to, say the things you need
to hear. And may a cheerful face lovingly look back at you when you
happen to glance in your mirror.

I wish you the insight to see your inner and outer beauty. I wish you
sweet dreams. I want you to have times when you feel like singing and
dancing and laughing out loud. I want you to be able to make your good
times better and your hard times easier to handle. I wish I could find
a way to tell you - in untold ways - how important you are to me.

Of all the things I'll be wishing for, wherever you are and whatever I
may do, there will never be a day in my life when I won't be wishing
for the best... for you.

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