Double Shot Mummy


Happy 2nd Birthday Maple!

It was difficult to choose a picture today. Where has our little 6lb, 7oz baby girl gone? Has it really been two years and two days since we moved to Dubai!? Your birthday makes it easy to remember. Thanks for that!

Maple, what a gorgeous girl you are, inside and out. Your eyes and lashes really do light up the whole room. You are so strong, calm and cheeky.... we love you to bits! You just want to be part of everything and through your determination and strength are part of the gang now :-) It wasn't easy to get in there with Oscar and Bailee. Believe me though, they adore you and always look for you when you are in the other room or sleeping. They save things for you and talk about you often.

This year, you have learnt to run fast, kick and throw a ball. You are skilled at catching too.... daddy loves playing catch with you!

You can string three or more words together and can say any word. You like to copy words, unlike your brother and sister. You understand everything and know how to get your way. You can sing the alphabet song and count to ten with ease.... Your favourite song is 'Incy Wincy Spider'

You are extremely nurturing and love to play with babies and soft toys. You like to tuck them into bed, kiss them and feed them.

You enjoy playing with play dough and drawing (Especially on yourself). This year you did three wee's on the toilet, well done!

Brushing your teeth is not a favourite activity. We struggle to get this done every morning and night..... you have very strong teeth too, I learnt the hard way!

Mummy is very proud of how adaptable you were when she went to England. You let Granny and Nanny look after you and went to bed every night no problems. I am sorry that the booby milk had to come to an abrupt stop at 22 months when we went away.... in the end, I think it worked out for the best. Thank you for starting to sleep through the night when I went away. I am so glad you get a full nights rest (It makes me feel great too! ;-))

Today we had a simple, but happy day with you on your 2nd birthday. You went to playgroup with your friends and mummy took you to the shop for a special mini cupcake. We had a family birthday tea in the afternoon..... Bailee and Oscar did make you six fruit kebabs with marshmallows.... they did eat them all before you woke up too.... sneaky brother and sister....

Daddy came home early for your birthday tea; I am glad you enjoyed the banana cake. It is your great aunt's recipe :-) Bailee and Oscar had the same recipe cake for their first birthday. Today you wore the beautiful dress Bailee wore on her second birthday. Granny and Grandad sent it to England for her.

So Maple Violet, I wish you all the best for a wonderful year ahead. Time has gone so quickly.... you add so much to our family, everyone adores you. Thank you for being you.

Love from mummy xxxxxx

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