Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Rad dude

What sort of idiot gets new radiators fitted in the warmest July in years???

Yes the heavily pregnant, grumpy, too warm kind!
Could have been worse we could have had them fitted when it was super hot at least it was a bit cooler today. Only had three replaced our room, the boys room and the living room, so we should be toasty warm come winter.
It took my dad and Martin (the plumber) ages to fit them so Mr L's plans for this afternoon went out if the window.

He has decided after god knows how much debating, thinking, mind changing saying he doesn't want one to buy an iPad!! As it will be good for me to have if I have to go back into hospital before the boys come/ when I'm in having them. His way of trying to convince me to agree to it. I've told him its his money he can do what he wants with it (not at all secretly pleased he's going to get one at all).

5 more weeks till D day (week) so far we have had three sets of twins from the TAMBA class we went to arrive. All boy/girl sets two arriving as planned and the on set arriving yesterday by emergency C section at 29 weeks 6 days due to IUGR and a failing placenta. But first report is that they are nothing doing well and are in SCBU fingers crossed they improve steadily and quickly.

On a super happy note my friend (and lovely wedding hairdresser) Michelle who sadly lost her little girl Sophia shortly after birth due to a genetic abnormality (and hospital negligence which I won't start on!) is pregnant again!! Approx 12 weeks and I'm so happy for her. This time she is straight under consultant care either at UHW in Cardiff or in Bristol and will get more tests more scans etc to make sure this baby and pregnancy are A ok!
I'm so so happy for her.

Time to introduce the boys to indianna jones and see if they like it as much as they seemed to like Dr Who??

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