Ring of Tyres

By Tyres

Garlic x 5 - 1

Last November I planted 5 different kinds of garlic. In hindsight it would have been a good idea to label which were which.

Some harvest earlier than others so armed with a fork and an inkling of which rows where which type I dug up one of each kind to see how they were doing and confirm which were which.

From left to right they are (I think!) -

Solent - this one's got a good bit of growing still to do and I'll probably leave until late August before I lift. I've also got the comparison of the same type sown in Spring to come.

Early - purple variety, quite large isn't it?

Lautrec - another early one, I'm watching for the outer leaves to go yellow and then I'll lift as it rots if left too long (so it says in the leaflet I got with the bulbs). Note this is the smallest but even it is twice the size of a golf ball.

Albigensian - thought to bring sedition and heresy into the planters life and garden... ooopsl!!!

There's one more - Purple Moldovian, not in the picture, it was the biggest of the bunch and was presented to a friend who didn't believe garlic would grow here. She admitted she was wrong as she carried it away in a wheelbarrow.

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