My hair-oes

Took a much needed trip to the salon today to get my hair and nails done (need to look my best for Mr A's homecoming!!)
I messaged them yesterday to warn them my blood pressure was low (I only know this as I've been practicing with new equipment at work) so this was the 'disclaimer' they gave me when I arrived for my appointment today!!!

To explain this further.....
A few years ago now I wasn't feeling very well the night before my appointment, but I made myself get up and go as I didn't want to waste the appointment.
My stylist at the time was halfway up the back of my head with the peroxide & foils when I decided to pass out. I don't think anyone knew quite what to do (they all had first aid training after my episode) so someone called the paramedics.
Meanwhile, I was moved onto the sofa; drifting in and out of consciousness while a bevy of old dears came for a nosey and a 'oooooh, what's wrong with her?'. I remember snippets of dialogue like that; one of the other stylists suggested removing my top (I made sure they knew NOT to do that today if anything happened) in case I was hot.
I remember the paramedics arriving and sending someone to the shop for lucozade. They put a bit in a cup for me to drink, then one of the medics drank the rest!!!!
They said my blood pressure was really low & it was 'postural hypotension' as every time I came round and sat up, I passed out again.
The paramedics told the salon owner I needed to go to hospital; she told them I couldn't go without having my hair rinsed first as otherwise my hair could fall out. At this point (I was out again but heard them talking), I sat up and said 'I'm not going bald!' before fainting again!!!
I ended up not going to hospital. Thankfully I regained enough composure to have my hair rinsed before I went home. My hair was finished off the next week once I was better!
It was rather embarrassing, to say the least, and at another other place I probably wouldn't have ever gone back! But, they are such a great bunch of people, I didn't feel awkward about going back. They work so well together and are really good fun too, as well as being fantastic at what they do!
Thanks team H&F xxxx

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