
By PeterAllsop

The Journey

I met a man walking along the beach with his dog, being the inquisitive individual I am, I asked where he was walking to.. He replied without losing step.."Sydney"

Now Sydney is about 1000 kms from where I live, but curiosity was killing me, so I chased after him .But Sydney is that way , I pointed, the exact opposite direction to what he was walking.

I can get there this way too ... he said,..; it's just going to take a little longer!

Now for those that don't know the island that is Australia, it's about 20 000km in circumference.

For once I said nothing, I just had to muse at his wonderfully relaxed answer and contented way he clearly believed in what he was doing.

Peter.. just shut up and capture the moment.. another day of learning... Isn't life wonderful.

Deakin University have just released recently the research findings in a study on happiness .. the 3 main keys to happiness were:

1 - being in a happy relationship.. Not necessarily an intimate one
2- having a minimum of financial stress
3 - waking up each day with a purpose / goal / aim

The man walking the beach didn't need to read their findings, I think he knew.

Me, I was rewarded with both a pearl of wisdom and a shot worth keeping, the right foot not quite landed and a good set of calves.

Definitely coming to the conclusion that late in the day is a great time to capture the light of the world.

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