
By PeterAllsop

Strato Amorphous

Today I met a cloud expert, the experience has left my nebulous mind uncertain of of the following:

With a misty conviction, I think the clouds in this shot are stratocumulus.. I hope thats a type... doesn't really matter.. they are wonderful background lighting for this darkened deciduous tree, mixed with the setting sun, I was quite fixated.

My grade 6 school teacher told me there were 3 main types of clouds.. that was a long time ago.. Google now tells me there are 27 types... mmm..are the extra 24 types part of the global warming process?

Here are the 8 most common according to professor Google..

Cumulus clouds
stratus clouds
cirrus couds
stratocumulus clouds
altostratus clouds
cirrocumulus clouds
altocumulus clouds
cumulonimbus clouds

If you are confused, join me in just appreciating them... from this day forward... I'm going to start making up my own name for clouds.

Today's I will call strato amorphous.. a cloud without definition or shape or name ...

: -)

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