
By PeterAllsop

Time Exposure

My eldest son is slightly retiscient re his photo being taken.. the lights were down, I placed my camera on a chair / tripod...time exposure for 15 seconds...5.6 aperture and ISO 100.. he had no idea I took the shot... it's not very sharp, as the room was very dark and I was rushed... ( it was the detective in me coming out), but it means something to me... Nothing like a teenage boy to look good slothing around the house. I'm rapt I have an iconic shot of him.. I like the palms of his hands and the fringe of his hair how the game illuminates.. also of interest is how the white cord is double exposed..

The 2 main light sources are his playgame electronic thingy and the fire, the fire actually flickers but over 15 seconds has created a glow, and the game is overexposed like a beacon.. it was amazing how little he moved in 15 seconds, his feet did as he fidgeted next to the fire and his hands & thumbs were playing the game with gentle movements, which on close inspection can be seen...

OK.. better publish then send him the link via his phone... such a tease of a Dad.

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