
By ThisOldHouse

Still life

There's a lot of hedging at ThisOldHouse and, apart from a bit at the end of May, we still hadn't got round to cutting it. The entrance, which is flanked by hedges on both sides, was getting narrower by the day! So, today we made a start. It's a mammoth task that will take several days, probably spread out over several weeks!

Meanwhile, the wasps' nest had grown considerably whilst we were away and activity was increasing. We don't have anything against wasps as long as they leave us alone but, in this location, they were just a little too close for comfort. Something had to be done. We vaguely recalled that they don't like smoke so we set up a smouldering BBQ fire at the doorway of the old byre in an attempt to smoke them out. There was clearly a bit of consternation but the experiment seemed to do little more than smoke out the byre! So, we gave up the idea after an hour!

Today's is a late blip.

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