A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

The Real Deal

July 16th was my first 'due date.' My daughter, Haylee was born on the 30th instead. But forever the 16th of July remains special to me. So today I made laundry detergent, for Haylee and some for Nikki too. No labels because it's just for us.

Life can be so strange...due dates come and due dates go. Birth happens when babies are ready. Children grow up and move away...or sometimes parents move away....either way, it's painful. Then come grandchildren and aging/dying parents. Pain...growth, inspiration, growth, pain, thrills, happiness, more pain...more joy...

Life is full of struggles, unless you build up walls to separate yourself from all that is real. Emotions are real. Pain is real. Joy is real. For some people all of that is too real. I think the real deal is being real...with all the imperfections, warts, struggles, joys, laughs, confessions, feelings, and reality...the real deal. THIS moment is real. And this one.

I spent the entire day making liquid soap batch #2. I made three containers of 'powdered' laundry detergent (as pictured) so I can share it with my girls. It's time consuming but rewarding. I never made it outside to work in the veggie garden. It rained this evening and I rejoiced because of it.

My taxman came in to say goodnight to me and I was slightly argumentative. We chatted, he said goodnight, gave me a kiss, and walked down the hallway as I said, "I need you..." not knowing he would actually hear me (or listen). He came back and spent another 20 minutes talking and listening.

That is the real deal.

Handcrafted Laundry Detergent:

Finely grate a pound of bar soap
Add 8 oz. Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
Add 8 oz. Borax
Add 1/2 oz. of Lavender (or your choice) essential oil

mix well and use 2 tablespoons for small load and up to 1/4 cup for large loads

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