An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Concrete Car-Park #2

After having used lenses of 85mm and 300mm for the past four Blips, folk must be starting to think that I'd lost my ultrawideangle mojo, or at least my Nikkor 10-24mm lens!

So, nicely and comfortably back to normal, and following on from Concrete Car-Park #1 earlier in the month, this is a different building - and not under a supermarket.

Whereas that previous one was stark black and white and at night, this has had the colour lightened and emphasized and taken during the middle of the day. It's on a mid-level floor and you can see just how many shoppers have driven into Salisbury at this time - not many!! Yes, this multi-storey is a bit run down and out of the way (people having to walk to the shops, whatever next!).

Hope you're all having a great start to the week!

Though they appeared and disappeared almost instantaneously, my last two Blips made it into the Spotlight - a big thanks to all who viewed etc. I can't help feeling though, when one receives the email from Blip Central, it is a bit of a let-down? For a start, unlike with other notifications, there's no thumbnail of the actual picture and nor do they even offer an exclamation mark! Hitting the Spotlight is a big occasion, though notifications could be improved to help convey this, perhaps?

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