
Although I am quite partial to dahlias, MaggieD is not. (Something to do with Earwigs, I think.) However, earlier this year, we acquired a couple of tubers, planted them up and sat back to see what would happen. Well, they have both thrived and are now putting out loads of buds. Just the other day, one of the buds popped open and here it is. I'm rather pleased with it. By the way, did you spot the aphid? And the baby one?
One way and another, our day has again been fairly well filled. In my case, by fuming and fidgeting over my laptop which is basically, on its way to join the Great Computer in the sky. Probably the most irritating thing is that I need a laptop to check out all the contenders for the next one.
Wish me luck!
PS: Working with an elderly laptop with no battery longevity so I probably will not be able to do many comments again today. Apologies.

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