Fish Hawk

Despite the rain, today has been a pretty good one!
This afternoon son Andrew and I took a drive up the Carron Valley to see what was happening. As we drove along the side of the reservoir Andrew spotted a large bird over the water. Was it a buzzard or a kite? We pulled up as sharp as we safely could when another similar bird appeared over the trees. While not kites, and arguably not buzzards, we were reluctant to say they were ospreys but I managed to get a couple of fairly long range shots which were proof enough.
As we watched, the birds worked their way along the length of the reservoir and we hopped back in the car and followed. We turned back at the top of the water as the birds had done the same. Half way back, we pulled in to watch and realised that we were watching not two but actually six ospreys! They wheeled over the water and called to each other for some time before dispersing. We started back for home when Andrew spotted one bird which seemed to be interested in something; it swooped, changed its mind then swooped again and plunged straight in! A second later, up it came and we saw it had caught a goodly fish for its supper. What a result!

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