Treasure Hunt

Another day, another card from my amazing Mr A (courtesy & thanks to Mama A for being post woman in his absence!).
This one had a map drawn on the back for where I would find today's surprise (wine & chocolate, he knows me so well!!!).

I can't really describe the last few weeks; I've missed him so much but not as badly as I expected (which sounds terrible but read on...). While I have felt like a piece of me was missing, I've not made myself miserable about it though the girls at work may beg to differ!!!.
I think this is because he has been in touch every moment it was possible, either calls, texts or Skype. He's sent me photos; little snapshots of his day so I could see what he was seeing. Then all the little cards and gifts thrown in just letting me know he missed me too; that was such a lovely thing for him to have done and I love him all the more for doing it.

The best present, and my greatest treasure, arrives back in the UK tomorrow morning. I know I need too, but I won't sleep tonight....I'm far too excited to have my boy back home!!!

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