Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Let your fingers do the walking

I know it's not a very manly thing to say, but based on this picture, I really need to moisturize my hands!

Wish my legs were as tanned as my arms and hands. I had to desaturate and lighten them significantly to get them anywhere near the pasty white of my feet.

Only 3 more days at work before I go on vacation. I can hardly wait. Off to France which in itself is something to look forward to, but we will also visit Matthew which will be an added bonus. Haven't seen him since March and as he seldom emails, Skypes or phones (you listening boy), we have not kept up with his news.

Another hot and stuffy night on the badminton court last night. Drink at The Barrels afterwards and we had to inform the landlord that we will not be gracing him with our presence until September due to everyone being on holiday at various points throughout August. I do feel sorry for him. Monday nights are dire unless there is a football match on, so i think we have just cut his takings significantly. Running a run of the mill local is not an easy option these days I'm sure. Unsociable hours and little profit in it at the end of the day.

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