A satisfying day. Lots of jobs done this morning, much crossings out on the list, and I washed the kitchen floor and it's not even Christmas. In the afternoon I headed off to Baltimore to deliver some cards only to find the place was shut so popped into Skibbereen on the way back - partly to try and find some baskets and partly to blip this for Apothecary. Some time ago she blipped some rather attractive encaustic tiles  and I was amazed for I had seen  excactly the same on this wonderful old building - here's a  close up . I was busily examining the building and taking some photos when I heard a voice inquiring whether I was interested in tiles. Is the Pope Catholic, of course I am. It turns out that the woman's  grandparents had owned the building and it had originally been a bar. It had been in her family for more than a 100 years but was currently for sale and no one wanted it. I do!! it's a listed building and nothing has been fiddled with. I just love everything about it from the tiles around the bay windown (they go up the sides too) to the different tiles on the floor to the wonderful hand painted lettering, apparently commissioned by her grandmother. I tried to find out how much it was going for, but can't. Interestingly Carey is a family name - could all be fate.

Talking of families- it's son#1's birthday today . He's spending it on a tiny island off Anglesey with his girlfriend having just come down from the Highlands after spending 3 weeks wild camping!  From this  to this  - happy birthday Will.

Edit: it's for sale for 80,000 euros - bargain!

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