
By LindaCh

Small but perfectly formed

Today has been a strange day. A very early start with a trip into town to the bus station where my son Andrew was catching the early morning National Express bus to London. Not a tearful farewell as I will see him in Bristol on Monday when B and I drive down with all his books, clothes etc and a huge Asda shop to keep him going for the first month or so (we did this as a supportive gesture the first time he went and now it has become an expensive tradition).
I went straight to work afterwards as it was not worth coming home again so my morning seemed longer than usual.
Once home I went through my chore list in my head and decided to lie on the settee with a good book for a few hours - I took a few photos of my reading glasses and my open book which I was quite happy with.
Then Bernie came to show me the very first two eggs from our delightful new chickens - who are so friendly and playful, (the chickens not the eggs) as you can see they are so much smaller than the standard eggs laid by our adult birds, but so cute.

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