Woof Wednesday

After my doctor's appointment this morning, and a big nap, Stella & I went over to my Mum's for lunch. My favourite Auntie and cousin were visiting which also meant my favourite little people were too. In this photo Stella's just spotted them and is about to get run ragged with toy throwing!

This doctor thinks I'm having chronic migraines and has prescribed a preventative medication which should slow the frequency down. Once again I've been told to be patient and the drug wont work straight away but I should notice a little improvement after a week, if not I can increase the dose. She's also given me high dosage aspirin to take as a painkiller in the meantime. I've since been told they're likely to make the tinnitus somewhat worse but that could be a small price to pay to get rid of the throbbing headaches & the spinning! I'm of course dubious they'll work as paracetamol, brufen or codeine don't but fingers crossed I'm wrong and she's right and will be reporting improvements sometime soon! :) She thinks the vertigo and ear problems are connected to the headaches and all should decrease together. I'm seeing my own doctor at the end of next week so I'll know then if anything's starting to get better.

Nearly forget to add Stella's Woof Wednesday blog link! :)

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