
By TitsMcGee


From the garden centre.

Off to the parents today.

Dad has dementia( not even sure I've spelt that correctly!!!) so try to see them at least once a week.

It's beginning to get a little trying for mum so try to support her more than dad bizarrely.

Took them to the garden centre for a mooch around as dad does love his garden still.

At one point me and mum got very excited as dad said "whatever they buy put it on my card"!!!
"Oooooooh" said mum, " quick, what do you want?"

Thankfully I wasn't greedy as, as we approached the till, dad got his points card out!!!!

Not too sure about this dementia, that was a very clever move I thought!!!

Am still giggling about it now.

Do have to go back tomorrow as he's refusing to let mum go to his mental health appointment and he has to have somebody with him.

It must be so frightening, especially he helped nurse his own mother in law through it.

Any way not moaning honest.

Mum bought the sweets for no1 son which included a sweet lipstick, which he quite happily used until no1 daughter bit the end off....

...."don't bite your brothers lipstick" I had to shout, which I hope i never have to repeat as a lipstick,if you didn't know, is another word for a penis!!!!

Nuff said, time for bed!!!

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