
By EastTexasAngles

Black Beauty's Daughter

I've gotten several pictures of Black Beauty's fawns but this evening this one was standing relatively close to the road. In the previous picture, you can just make out Black Beauty in the background, watching and protecting. Here, the adults are solid colored -- it is the babies who have the spots. Black Beauty is the only doe I have seen with a black face but then previously I had not been watching. You can see that the fawn has inherited her mother's dark coloring. I think Buck is the father, although I am not sure -- but he does not have a dark face. In any case, I am coming to truly treasure this little family.

My mother did beautifully today on only half of her pain medication -- she had wanted to start decreasing it.. I am almost afraid to get my hopes up but I think she has turned a corner and is starting to get better. Thank you, each and every one for you well wishes, positive thoughts and prayers. Please continue.

Thank you all also for all the very nice comments and words of welcome and friendship. I truly believe having this project, this challenge of a photo every day is what has gotten me through the month. Mom has gotten involved in the project, too, and it has helped her put her mind on something besides her pain. In addition, I now have a month-long record of the flora and fauna around our place -- something we've never actually done before.

Thank you all so very much for your encouragement nd support.

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