
By EastTexasAngles

Second Bloom

A month or so ago this Gardenia bush was full of blooms; then nothing until, unexpectedly, two late bloomers. And oh! How sweet they smell.

Highly stressful day. Mom's stomach was very bad and she was beyond frantic for a different medication. So I went into town for it plus she had asked for bananas and I needed gas. Rushed back to her with the medicine, and ate quick lunch and ran right back into town to make a bank deposit before 2 pm. Then went straight back again because as much as I wanted some get away time, I even more wanted to be close by while she was feeling so bad.

At 4, when our assistant came, I went over to help get the Barret House ready for the guests coming tomorrow and then decided to run back into town to get the food for them so I would have that done. Got back and paid our helper and ran back towards town to "chase" the storm that was north and east of us. Got some interesting pictures but the gardenias won out. Then back to Llano Grande and finally one more trip into town to get chicken 'n dumplings which Mom thought she could try eating.

Oh! Did I mention about 16 phone calls? And that my brother and both his grown daughters are suddenly coming this weekend? I can't blame them but oh! How I want to fly away!!!

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