Morning on the Farm

I knew something was up this morning as The Boss was fidgeting during breakfast (his) and kept looking out the window and I suspected it had something to do with yesterday's walk down Mt Aspiring Road to Waterfall Creek.
It appeared he was waiting to see the light. I recon he will wait a loooong time for that and I am sure The Bossess would have an un-publishable opinion if ever asked BUT the sunlight duly appeared over the mountains to the East and we read a couple more news stories on the iPad (no newsprint here) and then grabbed the camera gear and rather than go through the front door which was what I was expecting we hopped in Suzz instead. Oh...No Walk!!

When The Boss is chasing light, time is sometimes of the essence (Cheese please) and we had to go shopping as well it appeared. With the end of the school holidays the local Supermarket had raised the price of Zero to exorbitant levels so there had been no purchases for a while and a special had arrived today which allowed restocking at the normal discounted price.

The Boss is a canny Zero shopper you kno.

The Boss has been pursuing a project to support the concept of an iPad being the only computer device in a home and to make this work with most older folk you just need an iPad, Airprint printer, iCloud backup and a cloud solution for photos as these cannot be backed up via iCloud. He wonders if you would like to comment on the photo sharing sites you find best and the costs of popping full size photo files on them and if they are iPad friendly and secure.
He carried out some tests with the new SmugMug site yesterday and they have a very good iPad app and things worked a treat with very fast upload.

Oh and the DOOR BELL is back. It got de-commissioned for the painter but I will bark you about this tomoro. I am SOOO excited.

See the frost, see the horses, see the other stuff.

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