Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


Ok I know that I have used this title before but it suits I think.
I have got to say what a fun time we had with 30 shades. Wonderful comments especially from the lovely "I", who had the situation summed up well I thought.

Morning and evening light, especially in winter can be great fun and the low lake levels provide all sorts of foreground interest that is not visible with higher waters. It is actually quite scary when you realise the size of rocks that may be lurking just below the water and probably lucky that a serious boating incident has so far been avoided given the large number of boaties from elsewhere that enjoy the lake throughout the year.
I have not ridden in a boat yet and I am not too sure how I would respond...Badly I suspect given my genes but then again I like riding in cars so.....

This shot was looking North as I fidgeted and sang a couple of bars of Bored Terrier Dissonance in C sharp minor... To hurry The Boss along or convince him to remove my lead clip from his belt, but things were a bit rushed today and there was no such luck. Sigh.

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