Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

30 Shades of Grey, Slightly Warmed

I was so excited when I heard of The Book. I thought, at last, someone has written a book about how dogs see things, a telling tale about our monochrome worlds and why lovely red jackets look more threatening than white ones. About the difficulties when our Boss's put out blue and green dishes and expect us to tell the difference. About the power of our noses to guide us through life, so it was a huge disappointment when I heard The Boss reading an article from a Sunday paper and got the impression that The Book was not about dogs at all, in spite of the word "doggie" popping up occasionally, but about silly naughty stuff and that lots of folk were queuing up to get a copy from their local libraries.

There is a neat feature on a Kindle that allows you to get a free sample and The Boss suggested that he might just check out this to see if it worked properly, technology being what it was of course but the temperature in the room suddenly plunged as The Bossess just looked at him and he decided to read another article about economic strife instead.

Well this morning was DFO a bit but as The Boss says "light happens" and it just did. AND I know that the image has been warmed a bit that that's creative prerogative too, is it not?

Larger look

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