Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Dublin Bay

An athletic morning, up the mountain today with MY FRIEND PETER. We discovered him, when we arrived after grub (The boss's and mine), hiding behind a grape vine photographing birds, the feathered kind. His backyard looked like a Hollywood studio and from the back seat of Suzz I have to say I was very impressed. All this was because the DIG photogroup theme this month is "in my backyard" OK?
But off we all went up the mountain (one shot taken, potential backup Blip) and down the mountain and into Suzz and off down the road to Dublin Bay. No it's not anywhere near Dublin and NO I do not know why it is called that. The Boss was keen to take a look for a possible return early or late but the winter light prevailed and so the shot was got. Oh grandma will not be pleased about that statement. Sorry Gran. Dublin Bay is on the other side of the lake to yesterdays "Light" so the background view and lighting are quite different but I get the feeling that we will be back. Oh and a grump. When we arrived, there were a couple of cars and people and little kids running around so The Boss decided that I would not leave the back seat at that time. Many times my enthusiastic greetings do not go down well with little kids and The Boss was taking no chances. I did NOT agree with this decision AND I barked...More than 5 times. Sigh
Hop in the boat

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