... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Shnarf: Less Than Impressed

This is my cat Shnarf; she is very tidy. She's an aged creature and must be 16 or 17: she's still very beautiful, but her back has started to slump and her hips look weak too. Poor Shnarfy.

"Why do you only photograph me as a last resort?"
That is a good question.

Late blip (and a rather emergency back up blip...). I took very few photographs today, but I was pleased with a shot of the Birds Gallery so didn't think I needed any others; only on uploading it to blip did I realise that I'd previously posted far too similar a shot before (here).

There is tentatively good Goosle gosling news: I visited them on my way back from work and found Ann (the rescuer) at the pond. The Goosles were out swimming, and Ann had been unable to catch the gosling as it had not rested in the shore... In any case, it was looking much less unwell: its head is no longer swollen, and although it neck still looks very wrong, it is being active and moving vigorously (and chasing pigeons). Ann will try to catch it tomorrow just to check it over and take it to the vet if anything looks awry.

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