
By Transitoire

Pointe du Raz

So with the drama of yesterday, the lovely Julien came to take me away for a little while from the mentalness of what was going on. I was really hurt though later on when I found out that Jen had accused me (to our boss) of letting him sleep in one of the empty customer mobiles. Why someone can change in one day from being lovely to horrible I shall never know. Anyhows, we went to Pointe du Raz, a promontory that extends into the Atlantic from western Brittany, in France. The local Breton name is Beg ar Raz and it is the western point of the commune of Finistère. Named after the Raz de Sein, the dangerous stretch of water between it and the island of Sein (Enez Sun in Breton). Although it is not quite the westernmost extent of France (that would be Pointe de Corsen, just to the north), the scenery makes it popular with tourists, (comparable in some ways to Land's End in the southern UK). And this picture was just so stunning I knew it had to be this one rather than any other. We ended up having a picnic, complete with baguette, cheese, ham, crisps and cider. The weather was wonderful and I couldn’t’ve been in better company. It really did make me less stressed than I have been in days.

Today was also the first time I met my new workmate…this time a guy, by the name of Thom. So far so good, he seems lovely. I’m going to be a little bit more cautious this time though. The three of us headed out to Concarneau so Thom could see the sights before Julien headed home, leaving Thom and I chatting until late into the night. We really are remarkably similar people.

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