
By hpx

Sunrise heralding a touch of spring

We're not fooled, it's not spring yet. It's nice to step outside without wearing a beanie, gloves and scarf (but they're never far away - I'm a cold fish). I'm happy to take all the warm weather on offer. It holds a promise of spring and a time when I'll hopefully be biking to work again.

It's been a frustrating kind of day. My new laptop arrived at work. It's a wee rocket ship but my double monitor set up didn't like the new arrival, the video card driver doesn't appear on the manufacturers website (surprise, surprise) and a few other issues popped up. Tomorrow is another day.

More frustrating is my system. I had a less than satisfactory phone conversation with my surgeon's nurse yesterday but I see the man himself in a couple of weeks. Hopefully he'll be able to throw some light on what's going on.

Three more sleeps until my lensbaby course. I'm looking forward to it :-)

Today's blip was taken from the other side of the building I work in. The crane is working on the new science building. The thing that looks like a duck hunters mai mai (hut for shooting ducks from), is an 'architectural feature' of the commerce building.

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