A place for everything and everything....

....in its place!

I am probably divulging more than I should with this blip but I did not get out today and I was not feeling terribly creative.

This is a photo of my bathroom cabinet. I know, it is a bit of an obsession. It is just my stuff since my husband uses a different bathroom to shave etc. It is somewhat organized although I would be the only one to notice that. I know exactly where everything is.
Having a skin care and hair regimen has just become a part of everyday life for me. After all, in order to keep your face looking as youthful as possible, you need a good skin care routine.
Even on the worst of days, I can find the time to use these products. Obviously not all at once but I am a lotions and potions kind of person and the better the smell the more I like it.
Most of us have some sort of routine, yes men too! Maybe it comes in a black and silver version to look as if it has a manly design but more and more men want to take care of their skin and hair and fight destiny just as much as women do. My favorite line of products is Eminence, which is organic and made in Hungary. Even the band Kiss uses their stuff. I would imagine it is their make-up remover they need the most! :-) I read that using good anti-aging skin care products can take as much as 10 years off! Who wouldn’t want that?

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