Still there!

When the snowdrops flowered and there was no sign of my wee Chionodoxa in the same pot I thought I'd lost it. I remembered that they flower at the same time. However, as jankerman pointed out, last year it bloomed in August, so I kept an eye out for it. It came up and flowered so quickly that the snowdrops are still at their best. The little red-pointed leaves are dwarfed by those of the snowdrops.

The leeks I grew in in a big plastic container have done very well. I pulled one today that made me feel proud. I made it into soup, with locally grown potatoes and a good bunch of parsley from the garden. A serving for lunch, and three for the freezer.

One year ago: the resident bellbird chasing the waxeyes away from the apple. She comes to my garden every day, but so far this winter I have heard, but not seen her. I suspect it is her rustling the Coprosma bush outside the door. Last year the Coprosma berries failed, but there are plenty this winter. She has not bothered with the apple.

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