Shared Moments

By LesleyB

Oh my gosh - 365 days

Well I can't quite believe it but I have made it to my year - 365 consecutive blips - wooooo hoooooo

I was making some earrings last night and when I was looking for inspriation this morning for something to blip for my 365 I spotted the jewels and thought I would have a go at making the numbers with them.

Thank you so much to all my lovely subscribers and those of you that have found me along the way - I'm sorry I don't comment as much as I'd like but I so love the wonderfully supportive comments many of you have left me over the year.

I have been lucky enough to meet a few of you in person and very much hope to meet more of you over the next year. This has been a fabulous journey and I'm amazed I finally managed to get to the magical 365, not sure if I'll keep the consecutive blips going, I have found the wet day blips very hard but I will keep adding the odd photo to my journal.

Thank you everyone who has ever visited my little corner of this lovely site - I'm still hopeful to one day get to the spotlight - maybe the new camera I've been longingly looking at may help with that wish.

Lesley xxxx

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