Shared Moments

By LesleyB

A bed for the night

The lavender in my front garden is just full of bumble bees, all of which are far too quick for me to get a decent shot of during the day but we have realised over the last few days that each bumble bee finds a flower head each night to settle down on and sleep. It fascinating watching them buzz about, then start to slow down, find a lavender head that they like and sort of cuddle into it for the night - occasionally one gets too relaxed and falls off on to the lawn and has to fly back up again - then if you look out at about 8:30 at night, lots of the flower heads have dozing bumble bees on them.

I did try to take some night time shots but my iPhone isn't up to the task so I may borrow hubby's posh camera tomorrow to see if I can get some blip-able shots.

I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to all the lovely people who helped me reach the spotlight yesterday for the first time, I was stupidly excited. Thank you for all the lovely comments on my reaching 365 and all the wonderful stars and a couple of heart - it was a magical day. xx

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