Lucian (@LucianHudson)

This charming gentleman is Lucian Hudson, the Open University's Director of Communications. I'm blipping him because today we had a chat about what I do - and the chat was filmed for use on the OU intranet. Goodness knows what I said as I found that knowing there were cameras recording us somehow snapped any connections between my brain and mouth. Gibber, gibber, gibber. I'm not even sure whether I shared the secret of a good cheese sauce - regular readers might remember that I trained as a chef a million years ago when dinosaurs ruled the earth. This was a single shot so I'm very pleased with the way it's come out.

Otherwise it was nice to have a day on the campus. I caught up with a few mates and breathed the heady aroma of academia - or it might have been a downdraft from the kitchen extractor fans. Something has bitten lumps out of me so I may have to go and see if I have some bite cream in my toilet bag.

Enough of my ramblings. My watch tells me that it's Tuesday already so we're heading into the tipping point of the week. Vaya con leche mes amigos!

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