
By astudyinscarlet

brave new world

not mine, however - had lunch with K (not ex-flatmate K, this is my academic daughter and general pal from st andrews) and then nipped round the corner to see her new flat, ironically enough about 20 yards from the first flat i had in the city. she's having the place pretty much gutted, so it's a bit empty, but there's some serious potential - and i can't wait to see her bedroom when she gets the chandelier installed!

this is the view out of the lounge window at present - suffice to say there's been nothing done in the shared garden in a while (nothing startling there, there'll all too often like that). but she's having a chap come and look in the hopes of getting it all done at the same time as the flat is being gutted, then can semi-adopt it later. i'll endeavour to remember to post a shot showing the 'after' sometime!

good to see her, she's full of positiveness which i needed a dose of right now. it might even last longer than an hour another time - if i don't have to go to work afterwards...

some backblips from here, btw.

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