
By Angelique

"Nights in White Satin"...........?

No rain today - hooray and yet there is still plenty of water about. Usual sort of day, work etc. although I nearly fell asleep at work 'cos I felt so tired. Made silly mistakes which is not like me. Must be awake tomorrow as it's time sheets and invoices.

Now you might be wondering why the title? The photo is of one of the roses that we bought at the Taunton Flower Show. (see 3 August blip) And it is called "Moody Blues". Now you understand, I hope. If you look closely, you can see a little fly that likes the smell.

Anyway it is supposed to be the most blue ever produced but one thing for sure is the delicious smell. The other rose is called Scentimental, and that also has a wonderful smell. They are either side of the front door, so visitors should be greeted with the lovely aroma.

I wanted to blip an apple that I stupidly put on the bird table for the blackbirds. But all I've succeeded in doing is attracting a load of wasps which are feasting on it. I managed to get a close-up but Mr A said it looked horrible, like a feast from Hell. So the rose won.

Short blip tonight as Mr A wants the computer for a VAT return and stuff.
Thank you for visiting and all those faithful friends who take the time to 'look in'. You are a special band of people and I do appreciate your comments. Sleep tight and have a good day tomorrow.

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