Double Shot Mummy


Fresh air at Tai Park

Enjoying a picnic afternoon tea with granny at the local park. They think she is so fun and simply adore her. My children seem to have the biggest appetites in the world; always have. They seem to be always hungry and eating large quantities. I am wondering if they need to be wormed!

They had a short day at the Steiner nursery today as I think the hours are a bit long for them. It seemed to work out very well and Oscar, Bailee and Maple all had a blast on the swings and slide. Oscar is getting braver by the day.

I can't believe Oscar has slept through every night since seeing the sleep specialist. We are totally thrilled that he looks so much more rested and seems to have an extra boing in his step. Maple wakes and feeds about 3 times a night..... one step at a time I say.

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