Double Shot Mummy


Food glorious food

My twins just can't get enough of it at the moment. They wake up hungry and eat everything they can lay their hands on all day. On top of the standard meals, they are having second breakfast as well as morning and afternoon tea. A definite growth spurt! Maple is becoming more and more adventurous with her food and likes all sorts of tastes and textures. She is at that very messy eating stage.

Oscar and Bailee had a lovely day at their Steiner Nursery today. I have started packing extra food as what they serve there doesn't seem enough for my 'big eaters'!

Maple, granny and I enjoyed a walk along the strand boardwalk today. The breeze and sunshine were very refreshing and Maple actually took pleasure in sitting in her pushchair. She usually much prefers the sling.

This photo of Maple and grandad was taken in the afternoon. Maple was on the lawn and Oscar and Bailee played with spoons in the sand in front of my parents house.

Looking forward to taking Maple to Miranda to visit our friend Mel tomorrow. She has two cute dogs who I know Maple is going to get all giggly and excited about!

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