
By CharlotteJ

G is for

Graceful Giraffe…

I adore them…my first trip to SA I didn't see one...I have now seen many in SA and love their graceful ways.

Bit of a quick blip run and blip from me today! Em is about to come back from ‘the shop’ and we are heading out to the movies and pizza! Em is coming out of her shell and is more chatty and I’m finding things out about her that I never knew and we now have an ‘our song’!! The new James Blunt song we both like and we were in the car when it played and she said ‘I will always think of you now and being with you when I hear this!’….awww bless her.
Tomorrow we have another busy day and also another dinner date.
Really sorry I am behind on your journals, thank you for your kind comments whilst I am behind…please bear with me this week and early next week

Much love xx

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