Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

Toughest Competitor Alive - Shotput.

Today was my final day working at the TCA, and my final scheduled shift as a World Police and Fire Games Volunteer. Such sad times! I've had an absolute blast the past couple of days! Although, I'm hoping to help out on Friday, so may get another shift out of it yet.

I spent my morning marshalling the 5Km run, photographing the shotput (here's Tim, one of my Mountie friends preparing for his throw) and cheering on the guys as they ran the 100m. I also did a little bit of meeting and greeting and cheered on the guys during their swim. It was a great last shift and I even met 3 more lovely Mounties and got some more pins (and lots of pictures).

After the TCA, I chilled out and spent some time with my family, then met Amanda and Robert and headed up to watch the First Division Ice Hockey final. Toronto PD were beat 5-1 by a Russian Police team. After that, we headed up to the Athletes Village again for a little dander around. I saw Kevin and Joe again, but didn't get a chance to speak to them. We danced a little and I made another Mountie friend, Tommy from British Columbia. It's been another awesome day.


P.S. Check out yesterday's backblip!

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