
By RaspberryJefe

Lime green

She was impossible to miss what with her lime green and reds. She was having a spirited conversation in Spanish. Took a few shots furtively, then had the courage to ask. She said of course and shook my hand after I was finished.

Down the road was an old van whose driver had set up a system of air shocks which sank the vehicle totally to the ground when he released the air. And still farther down the road, the beautiful young daughter of the friend.

And on the mall, near to my colorful subject was a chap selling the VOICE, and close to him, a "flower" lady covered with colorful body art. Every tattoo had a story - like the one on her leg commerating three deaths of family members - one heart attack, one due to alcohol and one suicide.

Some days the blipfoto one-a-day business is a challenge; glad to have Flickr to link too.

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