Pirates of Trafalgar Square

I had my toasted cheese and tomato sandwich (one of my life's little luxuries) while seated on the lawn of the National Portrait Gallery overlooking Trafalgar Square. I had a Johnny Depp lookalike in front of me - he was actually a very good likeness of Captain Jack Sparrow. Every so often a young lady would sidle up to him to have her picture taken, though I didn't notice any of the photographers or ladies leaving him any money for the photo opportunity. I must point out that the young lady in the photo was not connected to the bunch of young lads in front of her, and I have no idea what the young lad in the hat had just done to make his friend double up and the passing lady laugh. It was only a fleeting moment, though, as they were lined up again seconds later.

Fred's flu seems to be steady and not getting any worse or better. It's doubtful that it's Swine Flu. My office today had free tissues and bags to put them in, plus lots of ant-bacterial hand gel. In such a large company, it pays to be vigilant.

Big Sid and Sybil are running about again and seem to be getting on with life after Moschops. It's still very sad to see two gps instead of the three furry noses, but we'll all get used to the enforced change.

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