My Best Efforts - Year 3


Foliage versus Flower........

...............I can't decide which is the lovelier - the leaves or the flower! I bought this pelargonium originally for the foliage which is not only very attractive but smells gorgeous too - I had no idea what colour the flower would be. Am not disappointed with either!

Another lovely morning so far - sunny with fluffy white clouds and not quite so windy ( so will hunt butterflies AGAIN!). Temperature at 10.34am is 67Deg. F.

Enjoy your day if you can.

Large is ok - sooc except for crop and slight sharpen

Update: - The decorator finished about 1.30pm so comments AND replies and perhaps even Blips will be a bit hit and miss for a few days - furniture to polish and put back in place, pictures and mirrors to hang, ornaments to wash and windows to clean! Although, he used dustcloths etc. the amount of dust is unbelievable and in such a tiny home, it has got absolutely everywhere! Wish me luck.

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