I need my head examining!!

This must be the most frustrating blip I have ever posted. Before I explain, please let me thank everyone who has voted for me to date in the photographic competition.

If you haven't voted and would like to see the entry LAKE MATHESON, just click on this yellow link, it will take you straight there. If you feel you can vote for my entry, click on Love Me. Thanks

I should like to thank Lazooligirl & JazzyB, for being so kind as to promote my entry on their journals.

I am in Surrey having my head examined following my stroke and visiting my mum.

My memory is hopeless! Mrs Bob20 is in London. I couldn't remember the burglar alarm code, I left my camera bag and tripod leaning against another car. I had to phone a friend to retrieve them! On arriving at my sister's, no laptop in my bag and I had left the macro lens on the camera.

So it is a blip of an Agapanthus done very quickly and no processing as my sister's laptop does not have any editing softwar other than the one that came with it.

Sorry it's another macro, normal service will be resumed ASAP!!

Thanks everyone

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